Generic mod enabler silent hunter 5
Generic mod enabler silent hunter 5

generic mod enabler silent hunter 5

A fire more than one torpedoe at a time, and you could be sure as hell that one of the two, or three torp spread was going to be a dud. I used to think that this was programmed into the game for the frequency that it used to happen.

generic mod enabler silent hunter 5

Sometimes, well a lot of the time really, 'duds' would occur when the ship I was shooting at was on its last 'shot' before going under. I tried to give a medal to each section, and then to the man below him.I never quite figured out what the 'right' method was, nor if medals improved performance at all.Īnother thing I remembered was that I would not use magnetic detonators for torpegoes at all, figuring that the number of 'duds' would bbe minimised. So I settled on giving the damage control party each a medal first, then the lookouts, and then the ranking officer in each section, first, followed byu the people under him. giving a medal for getting a wound was not, but I never quite figured out how the medals SHOULD have been distributed, because they had to have done something to deserve them right? Thatas the only timwe I would move people from damage control to anywhere else.

Generic mod enabler silent hunter 5 free#

You had to leave a couple of spots in damage control free just in case you got wounded. You could gradually replace people throughout the vessel, especially in the rearward torpedoe rooms. Noothing prevented me from doing that, and the submarine seemed to work fine just the same. You 'bought' NCOS who were better than that later keeping the best in damage control there all the time. I used to fill up my Damage Control section with mostly zero renown Luitenants, people that had high ratings, some who were electricians and some who were mechanics. When starting a new bboat, you can get new crew members, quite a few of them, for zero renown.

Generic mod enabler silent hunter 5